Lossie Entertainment Academy studios is one of the only independent colleges North of the Central Belt of Scotland to offer classes and courses in Acrobatic Arts, Dance, Fitness, Music, Musical Theatre and Performance Technique.

Described by the Scottish Qualifications Authority as “demonstrating an exceptionally high body of work that meets and on many occasions, surpasses the SQA requirements”.
The Academy shot to fame in 2014 when the late Hollywood producer and TV Celebrity David Gest, teamed up with co-owners Diane Aspinall and Tish Tindall to produce a musical about Robert Burns. Monday to Friday, Lossiemouth Entertainment Academy plays hosts to full-time performing arts students from all over Scotland. Every evening and weekend, children and adults from all over the North East of Scotland attend our classes.
At the centre of the learning and teaching at LossieEA is a deep-rooted ethos of excellence and empathy for all ages and abilities, a unique sense of community and a passionate desire to endlessly develop and promote local, national and international talent.
“I’m really proud of Tish and Diane for their enthusiasm, for their stamina and take-charge attitude to making this happen. That’s something that I love in people – I love people that are do-ers”
Harriet Thorpe,
“In a world where the rise and fall of the ‘overnight success’ is becoming more apparent than ever, it is essential that we equip the next generation of performers with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to give them the opportunity to sustain a multitude of roles within the creative industries. Lossie Entertainment Academy strives to do that for every student through inclusive, supportive and challenging apprenticeship-style training.”